Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christmas came round quickly this year

Having failed spectacularly to keep up this diary, and not yet worked out how to add pics, my new years resolution is again to try harder here!
I have almost finished my second year at uni, final assignment and big oral osce exam on the third of Jan then it's all over until September, when I'll start the final step and dreaded dissertation!
Christmas was lovely, fifteen for lunch then a relaxed evening with mulled wine, minced pies and Christmas Enders even!
The children have been tv free for a year, no regret there at all, and they seem to have not missed it either.
school for A is uncertain at the moment, it may be that we home school him for some time in the new year until we decide on the best thing for him. I'd like to buy a waldorf curriculum from the states, a main lesson for every day, and some ideas for stories, form drawing and maths. It's not cheap but would make life much easier.

This years approach to gifts was more simple, something you want, need, to wear and to read.
It worked well, kal made a lovely woodland house for them all to share, pics soon I promise, and a scooter for the boy, dolls for the girls and a second hand wicker pram for the smallest girl. All very much appreciated, lots of nice presents from family too, craft, knitting and sewing galore!
Having lost over a stone now, my new clothes are great. Nice knits from white stuff and a lovely purse and some channel too.

We look forward to the wedding in feb now, my dress is lovely and the children will hopefully have new outfits from the sales. Exam preparations are as usual last minute, I'm getting stressed now, in less than a week I'll be standing there doing it. remembering drugs is not my thing, and the doses all blur in to one.
Will be very glad when the next week is over!

Little c is just gorgeous at the moment, she talks so much, yes, mine, my baby, no mummy, and her favourite word is chockat, and cake! She is a funny thing.
We went to the beach with friends yesterday, the dads surfed and the kids got soaked with the dogs running in the tide. It was lovely.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Halloween fun

Pumpkins have been hollowed and carved, even a small one for our autumn nature display, sitting alongside conkers, webs, acorns, wooden toad stalls and smooth blocks.
We decided to try a calmer affair this year, although the kids were disappointed that we did not go to the local Halloween party. However I think we enjoyed our evening at home, comfort food of roast chicken, buttery corn, dauphinoise potato and home made country gravy!it was delish then we went outside to have sparklers, before warming up by the log fire and a dessert of apple and toffee crumble!

I'm back at work nex week so I really should ne refreshing myself! Hard when I have had the kids the whole timet with K doing a few jobs. I have made a goofed start with Xmas shopping, a good deal from hamlets on sylvanian families saved us a bit, and we have bought Archie a maxi micro scooter! He will love this so much.

L has moved on to ancient civilizations for her main lesson, she is still loving school and progressing well. They have learned about ancient India this week. we will be doing Martin mass candle festival walk too next week. Little c is talking so much, and quite clearly too, she can answer most questions and is great at her shoes not!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Wheat free wonders

Attempts to cut wheat over the past few weeks appear to be working and we have both lost a good few pounds! I've been baking with wheat free flour, rye flour bread and flapjacks, yum.
Half term has been busy, walks, soup, leaves and some chilly days with log fires.
A and I have been to London today, a boy treat to see dinosaurs, big wheel and river bridges. He enjoyed spending his money on more dinosaurs and treats. We had a lovely Lunch and he was very pleased that great grandad and uncle could join us, 3 adults to devote attention to him.

we have a quiet day planned for tomorrow with a walk if it's dry, then L has a friend coming to play. We are hosting Xmas this year for my mum and family, L is busy learning a verse to recite and I need to plan the baking, and hope to get some things ready in the freezer soon!

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Weddings and diets

Visiting potential wedding venue today gave me the reminder I needed to get back on the bike and cut the carbs. Not tonight though as we packed the smallest two in to bed and enjoyed a lovely Indian with the eldest girl. She loves a late night, meaning after 7.30, and nattered on about school and her friends until nine. Now the tv has gone on, I'm checking blogville and the olives and graze box are ready for later.

Tomorrow we are going to take the children to a park nearby, then to the museum for free weekend crafts. We hope to fit a walk in at school in the afternoon, crazy spaniel included.
Tonight A, very pleasantly as usual, broke wind to which little C, at 19 months only, replied Safety! Safelty being a word sometimes used by the kids as in duck for safety. How shameful!.

Thursday, 13 October 2011


In an attempt to eat better and waste/spend less I will try to note the meals we have on my posts, hopefully this will make interesting reading in the future too!

So today. We had porridge or cereal for breakfast, baked pots with beans for lunch and roast chicken, braised red cabbage, mustard mash and Brussels for dinner, with choc eclairs for pud ( naughty after school buy!)

Last night I made a nice stir fry with piri piri chicken and thin noodles. And tomorrow we are having salmon with vegi egg fried rice and greens. It's Friday so green and blacks will feature somewhere too, I hope!

Autumn days

Are truely upon us now. Our table has changed to feature conkers, acorns, dried leaves and orange blooms, A has added a sleeping deer, badger and owl from the animal collection too. We are well in to soup days, with the occasional oven baked potato as the boy loves them with his beans!
He likes to bake in the afternoons, apple cake and flapjacks are his favourites. He is enjoying the windy days too, charging around full of energy in the leaves. Little C has a new patchwork quilt for her baby doll, I really enjoyed making this the other day, and a new iphone case for myself and a friend.

Today I have loved wearing my new boden green velvet coat, and found a bargain purple scarf to wear with it too. l has new boots, calf length dusky blue from clarks with fur lining( fake). It was a late night shopping for them, with her cousin too, it seemed there's was little in stock and her narrow feet are a problem in most places. Luckily I found some nice boots for c, hardly used, on eBay so when they arrive I think we're all good for winter!

I really need to start my osce revision, I will start making some revision posters tonight maybe, and do a little each night until January. I will be very glad when this is all over!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Carrying on...

After some discussions with university, I have decided to tie up the loose ends of my second year during a five week placement, on delivery suit, before Christmas. I will then complete my assessments (dreaded osce) in January and have the rest of the yr until august off to help cal with the corn business before starting my 3rd and final year! Maybe write my dissertation while I'm off too.

School wise L's teacher has been for lunch today, homemade sunshine soup and dorset spiced apple cake. twas yummy too! I really hope to get a date for Archie soon, he is so desperate to begin school. Next week one of the mums is coming for a coffee, with her youngest so that will be a nice chance to get to know someone from school a bit better.

Right now I have the boy and his girl cousin L, dressed up as snow white and spiderman upstairs playing mums and dads with little C as the baby. L is busy in her room 'practising on her beautiful new wooden recorder. At £30 it better be good!

A chippy tea for us all tonight too, then while Cal is at work I have a new DVD, Julia and Julie to look forward to, with a bit more apple cake maybe. I'm hopeful of a better night tonight, c is breast feeding soooo much at night just now, I'm bloody knackered and look ten years older than I am! Kids hey.

The fire is lit and it's peaceful and cosy, I do like autumn.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Autumn winds return

What a difference a day makes in autumn, the weather has become more over cast and windy, leaves falling everywhere now. Yesterday we managed to clear the garden a bit and mow the lawn, hopefully for the last time this year.
L's throat is almost better, a huge relief for us all and normal sleep has resumed. She is enjoying school so much at the moment, learning about trees and botany in her mail lesson and lots of fun woodwork and handwork. Felting is exciting her too and she is already planning Christmas requests.
I notice her language and vocabulary improving lots, she is getting better at describing things and using her imagination. Her poetry is very impressive although spelling could be improved.
Soup for lunch today and then A's new teacher will be coming for afternoon tea. I am almost not looking forward to going back to uni and placement, I need to read more relevant books and inspire myself with the art and wonder of midwifery and remember what drew me to it those years ago. And not think about medical hospitals, registras, epidurals, sutures and matrons. Mmmmm.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Sunny autumn days

A very pleasant weekend of high 70s set us in good spirits, if only it would be more predictable!.
Big girl is suffering from tonsillitis still and has been doing half days at school, very thankful for an understanding teacher at last! Friday after swimming we all went to the local pub to meet te other families from the village, our little gang! Thhe kids had a great time playing together whist the adults enjoyed the lovely warmth and a few beers. Saturdays market was much quieter than last week, I think due to the heat.
I realised, during the morning, that it was infact our anniversary, seven years, hubby forgot too leaving me card less! Luckily a fellow trader kindly gave me some delicious bath salts so I was able to enjoy a relaxing rose scented and candle lit bath...very nice.

On sunday We met up with my sister, bil, and niece at another pub for tea, the food is ok there but the play area is a good size and entertains the kids so we could talk weddings( theirs) and anniversaries(forgotten ones).

The lovely weather brought home how much I have missed a foreign holiday this year, school fees mean that we can no longer book last min and just sod it all. We need to budget. I aim to reduce our food costs dramatically this winter, and shop locally where possible too.

The lads new teacher is coming for afternoon tea tomorrow, to informally talk about him starting school, I really hope this will be soon as he is so very desperate to be there.

Little C is being her usually funny self. She loves to kiss then wave goodbye. She loves cake. She loves Nelson the spaniel. She loves the tortoises. She still loves to be wrapped in a sling on my back for a cuddly walk. She loves fruit in large quantities, but will eat little else. She loves my milk the most.

We had a yummy butchers pie with grain mustard mash for tea that was nice and I've also baked an orange chocolate loaf for tomorrows tea, and plan to knockout a batch of flapjacks tomorrow too.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Getting fit

This morning I went along to a new zumba class that has started in the village. It was a good workout and nice to exercise in the morning when I feel fresher!
Big girl stayed home today as her throat is so sore, and tonsils swollen too. She managed to eat some home made soup at lunch so I'm happy she has had her goodness for today!

Tonight we all went for a cycle together, poorly girl in the bike trailer, baby on my bike and the boy managed to cycle himself a full 3 miles, hills and all, not bad for seven. This workout was much harder than rumba so we are planning to do much more biking to help me get slim for my sisters wedding next year.

Not much else happening, I made a nice spaghetti boll for tea using a mums betters recipe, with pork mince, pancetta and lots of wine. It was delish!

Tonight I'm beginning a big eBay selloff and clearing some room before Christmas!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Long time and lots of change...

So much has gone on recently, I'm having some time off from my course and hope to return after Christmas. Things got too much, the new business has really taken off and the baby, actually all of the kids, need me at home. My doc thinks I have depression, this is something I have never considered or even understand. Not something that would ever happen to me. I feel ok most of the time but have been a bit over sensitive to stress and untidiness lately.

Anyhow, the corn business is going well, we had a good first farmers market yesterday and sold out! I think it will get busier, and it's very tiering though. Today we have been chilling out at home and finishing touching up the pain work in the lounge. Little c managed to pull a bookcase onto herself, que mega panic, screaming and a nasty graze in her back. She is fine though and after a little arnica for the shock and some magic cream she's as good as new. The carpet however took a splash of paint and a cup of coffee was knocked from the piano so much scrubbing was needed there.
Big girl L has terrible tonsillitis, she suffers badly from it but seemed to have been ok for quite a while. I hope she feels better tomorrow as she hates to miss school. A is not at school yet but hopefully he will start very soon, he is sooo ready and honestly I am too.

Will try to write daily again.....and NEED to sort out blog pics!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Last week of the hols

Well for me anyway, the kids have an extra week.
We have been busy with kids here to play and ours going to others, paint a pot, doll making and eating roasted corn!

Yesterday was beautiful, a real summers day! The kids had friends here for the day so we took a picnic to the playing field and helped set up for the summer fayre tomorrow. Our setup looks good, new gazebo, table and bunting too! Let's hope we get some takers for our corn as we have 200 to sell!

A big spider in L's room at 2am kept us awake for a while so an afternoon nap has been ordered if we are to go to the barn dance tonight.
Fancy dress wise we have robin hood, maid Marion and little friar tuck! The look very cute.
I'm looking forward to a jug of pimms whist I man the hot dog stand, could be a heavy night!

Friday, 26 August 2011

London and our new machine!

Its been a very busy few days here, barely back from camping and we off to London to visit my lovely cousin, and his partner, in their new house. We left the biggest two kids at my mums and had a really nice evening with them, chatting over a chinese. The following day, using a borrowed sat nav that turned out to be a god send,we drove across town to collect our new corn roasting oven in preparation of the events we have booked in over the next few weeks. The people were very nice and took time to proper,y explain everything, then we hooked it up to the bus and headed home with our lovely, very orange, new toy!

It will be a lot of work but a real interest has been shown by everyone we talk to, and as the end result is so bloody tasty, I don't think selling them will be difficult. The kids can't wait, and want to be fully involved, selling, flyer making etc. L even wants a corn shaped hat!

Little C has become so much more vocal, she chatters away all day and was fascinated by a cat the other day, literally squealing with delight! She loves to finish a cup of tea off, and holds a mug with skill, not Loosing a drop!
My mum has bought a boat, it's not huge but has an egging so the kids are desperate to get out in that too. Today we went to a pottery paint shop locally and they painted frogs and dragon flies, and I made Claudia a small mug, 1st Xmas pressie done!!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Wow wowo

A chance cancellation of a yurt at wowo campsite, near brighton, was too good to turn down so we all packed off there for 2 nights....our first stay in a yurt despite fancying living in one for sometime.
The weather was fabulous, we all loved the yurt and cosy camp fire cooking. The children spent the whole time, making friends, splashing in the streams and running wild. Little C was a dream child, she had so much fun and attention from us while the big ones played.

We could have easily stayed longer, it's a fantastic site and we'll return soon for sure!! The communal area with huge fire and musicians was lovely, we sat out whilst the children sang and played. It really is a magical place.

On saturday we popped down to Brighton for a quick look around, it was a bit disappointing really, tacky fairground rides that are very expensive and it was a nightmare to park. I wish we had not bothered to leave the site, as it totally spoiled the mood for everyone, the kids however soon charged off with their friends when we returned.

The sun continued to shine, so we enjoyed home made vegi soup cooked over the firepit before an early night after some late evenings this weekend!

The kids enjoyed themselves hugely, but passing the planes taking off at heathrow, did cause many ahh please can we fly next year. We will have to see about that, im smitten with camping for now!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Rainy day

Literally all day it has drizzled! We've had a quiet indoors day, pj's, baths, Lego, knitting winter hats, chippy lunch and some quarrels too!

Despite some boredom we had a nice day, I'm now sticking to quiet bedroom time between 3.30 and 4.30, to give everyone a break, allow me to tidy and get tea started. This works well, and I set up drawing and painting with choccy biscuits and milk when they came down.

We've also booked to go to wowo, a great campsite in suffolk, this sat for two nights, no tent though we're staying in a YURT! Can't wait, it looks lovely.
The fire pit has been lit a couple of times this week and we have eaten outside too, I hope the weather improves soon so that we can get back out! Poor tortoises are a bit damp too.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

More holidays

Today began a bit overcast and drizzly so we decided the kids could spend some of their savings on something to play with. L desperately wants a small but real sewing machine, and having began on her first doll this week too, I thought it would be nice for her to have one now. We went to John Lewis but did not get any further than the Lego section. They were both So desperate for Lego that the ended up going halves on a set for about £40, it a nice farm set, and has kept them busy all afternoon so a good choice I think. The sewing machine will probably be requested for Xmas maybe.

we had a nice lunch in nandos then came home to sunshine!! The day bed that we bought from ikea last week is up in the garden, so some bunting was added, the fire pit lit and we had a late tea of lamb and chicken with pimms for me too! The kids charged about until nearly 10 but went down quickly and we sat out and watched the stars, with little C booby feeding as usual.

I hope it's warm again tomorrow, the garden day bed is lovely to sit out on, and as everyone else are away on hoilday this week it would be so nice to get out in the garden a bit.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Summer colds and a baby that is changing too fast!

a heavy cold with hot flushes meant I missed the last 2 days in placement, and am now off for three lovely weeks! We popped to ikea and bougt an iron day bed for the garden today, inspired by ones that we'd seen at bestival, hopefully it'll be sunny tomorrow and we will be able to get it up and have tea in the garden. Wishful thinking maybe!

Ive passed my medical disorders module too, one less thing to think about!

Little C is growing up soooo fast, she is getting very skilled at getting her own way and eeers very loudly whilst clasping her hands for everything. Especially tea or any other drink. She really is funny. She has been sitting on her potty today, with any luck she will get the hang of it before she's two like the others.

I'm working on signs for the new business, we have sour sec fresh local corn and the oven will be here next week!! Exciting times.

We're off to the farmers market tomorrow, I'm knitting winter hats now so need to top up with more wool and it's always nice to browse around.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Nearly finished for summer...

Last few days in the community and I've been busy in clinics and parent education sessions and becoming more confident in bookings and visit women at home postnatally. It's very busy at the moment with bookings, lots of ladies getting pregnant, maybe more midwives will be employed to look after them.

At home the kids are in full holiday mode, they've been spending a lot of time at home, playing in the garden by themselves so it will be nice to get out and do a few things when I finish. I'm looking forward to a long sewing day making winter skirts for the girls and a waist jacket for Archie. Knitted hats need starting, and osce revision is much needed too.

I'm soooo ready for time off, hope the sun shines!!

Little c has been yelling mama tonight, she has been able to say it for ages but chooses to shout daddy instead! We made lovely mini black cherry and fresh cream cakes....blooming yum!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Work rest and play

Well not much rest actually!

I'm working in the community at the moment, doing home visits, clinics, parent craft and antenatal classes. It's a nice change and an area I'd like to work in one day, even though the hours are a demanding five day week!
Not yet over the festival last weekend, we were off again this Friday with two other families and their six kids, to morthoe, north devon, camping again! The forecast was a bit dodgy but on the whole wasn't too bad, and the kids played beautifully together all weekend. We boogie boarded and bbqued, and had a lovely camp fire( with rainy intervals) in the evening.
We finished with a nice walk and then a sunday roast dinner!

Cal has decided to continue with his hot corn venture and hopes to secure a pitch at our local farmers market this week, having now sourced the roasting oven.we'll need a chiller van at some point, crazy as we've just sold one.

last few days at work for me then three weeks off from Friday, FAB!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Fab festival weekend

Thank god the sun shone! Aftere a very stressful week of uni stuff, and exam and presentation I was glad to be off to camp bestival for the weekend. Trailor loaded we set off to Dorset on Thursday afternoon. The traffic was horrendous and the site was manic and almost full when we arrived! The set up involved dragging the garden trug, bought for this purpose, up and down hills for 2 hours, with it toppling over every five mins too! The kids were good and helped out though.

It was very worthwhile though, the weather was perfect and we all browned nicely! The music and comedy were great, loads and loads for the kids, punch and Judy, craft, circus skills and kids entertainment. We did not stop the whole time, the fancy dress was very impressive and the kids were in awe at the size of the place and especially loved watching the joust!

Back at work today, very tired now though and looking forward to time off in 2weeks and more camping with friends this weekend!!!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

More stress

My presentation at uni today was stressful to say the least!. I was not well prepared, my PowerPoint was ok but I didn't really have much extra to add and so really just read through what was written on the wall :(

It was the longest 20 mins ever and more painful than childbirth! I'm not nervous really but not being prepared and having never even read through it allowed was a problem. Oh well let's hope it's 40% at least.

I have an assignment to complete and exam essay to write by thursday and learn ready to write again in the exam! God I will be soooo pleased when this week is over, it's dragging.

The kids are ok, they played at cousins this afternoon and had tea which was nice. It's been hot and sunny which is always a bonus too, long may it last.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Sand, surf and sunshine

Kal,s birthday on Saturday so we headed with friends and loads of kids to the beach at saunton, Devon. It was a lovely sunny warm day and the kids were perfect all day, all 9 of them!
Little c ran around all day, and even took a dip in the sea! We ended the day with a nice meal at the beachside restaurant, before heading home for about 10 pm.

Mini black forest birthday cakes were made the next day, a day late but yummy and devoured in minutes!
My exams are this week, stress is building, roll on Thursday, we're off to bestival and it'll all be over.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


Would be nice! It's grey and blooming chilly at times, and not at all how July should be. Kal has taken the smaller two for a walk in the woods and L is with my sister and her mindees at a music session.
I'm working on my presentation for next week today, well until a friend popped in and we made an impromptu visit to the nearby town for a browse and quick lunch. It was nice and the sun even came out for a few minutes!

This next week will be tough, I have sooo much on at work and feel guilty as it's holidays I should be having fun with the kids. Still next weekend will be nice, we're all looking forward to camping and the festival. My list is getting too long though, ear defenders will be a must though, and snacks so we are not queuing and spending a fortune. Hope it's sunny for us!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Community midwifery

I'm really enjoying my new placement, it fab to be back out on the road and visiting women at home, meeting them in clinic and even parent craft sessions.

From the beginning I've loved the community, it's great! I don't really like hospitals and prefer to work alone or in a small team. I'll need a few years experience before I can apply for a job in the community though so will have to get on in the hospital until then. That's if there are any jobs next year.

My original cohort qualified today, having taken a year out to have C, I'm now in the group behind. It's been hard joining a new cohort and fitting in, I don't really put much effort in though to be honest! The light is at the end of the tunnel though, third year next and I can't wait! As usual I'll vow to start assignments earlier and study more but probably won't do either. Can but try.

At home we've made cakes for after supper tonight and birthday cards for upcoming birthdays. The kids are bored already though, but I'm remaining tough and we will be staying around the house and spending less than let summer. The need to be satisfied with each others company more and less needy on friends coming over or days out.

Camp bestival next weekend, can't wait!!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Rainy day

A rainy Saturday here, our plans for the beach changed so it's Lego, homemade soup and bread and lazing around!

Little c amused us all this morning by welcoming the dog with a mix of her two fav words, hiyo and vfvfvf to make hivfvfvf!

I'm on a long day tomorrow, and hopefully the weather will improve so that they can get out of the house for a walk. The noise levels here have reduced a little, and quiet time away for shouting seems to be working....must stick at it!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Noisy days

The house seems so loud at the moment, the kids appear to scream at each other the whole time, no talking just yelling and even the baby is joining in! I'm getting strict with it and quiet time will be issued to any one that yells, meaning bedroom for 5mins. God I hope it works quickly, as it is a nightmare.

Little c is breastfeeding so much at night still, I must make an effort to get to bed before midnight if I want to function normally!
a had his class interview today for school in sept, we wait to hear now if he has a place, I hope he is settled enough to go there, it's a peaceful school and he is so used to shouting and rough play. Not too late to change I hope as he is so desperate to go now!

I'm working on a mind map tonight and will do the presentation preparation tomorrow evening. Stressful times ahead I fear!

Hairdressers for me tomorrow hope....

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

WindBreak making

We are in need of a large windbreak and having searched online only to find that the type I want, ( big pretty cotton) are over £70, I've made my own.

I bout a cheap six wooden pole plastic one from the camping shop, for a tenner. An old table cloth of purple stripy thick cotton make up the majority of the fabric and a trip to town today provided me with 3 meters of contrasting plain fabrics.

The finished result is great! Its decorated with new matching bunting and looks so pretty!

A good afternoons work....I WILL sort pics for this blog soon, bloody iPad won't do it.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Bloomin eck, July already....

This year is flying! I have loads of work to complete before the summer break, a cognitive map to design, draw then present next week, a research assignment and then exam then a drugs calculation test and write a few reflections too.

I worked sunday on the late shift and am now off until Sunday...lovely! The inlaws are visiting tomorrow," expect us at around 1:30 they say, let the morning traffic die down??" WTF? They live 21/2 hrs away and will leave at 4 to go home, you would think they'd like more than 3 hrs here with the kids, given that they only come every 2 months. Strange.

l has been on her school sleep away at the Viking longhouse, she is starving after only eating beetroot stew while away? So she reports!! Tonight the large roast chicken dinner was devoured at speed by both of them, they do love a roast!

Little c has 4 back teeth coming through together, but is being very brave and quiet about it really. We're getting lots of kisses from her now which is lovely, she is scrummy!

L breaks up on Friday so we're off to Devon with friends on Saturday for the day. Bit of surf maybe.
Bed time to do now, it's noisy tonight up there, lots of excitement having big sis back.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

An induction day

a long day shift today, 12 hours plus driving! I've been working with the ladies who are having heir labours induced today, 3 of them and a lady suffering hyperemisis. IOL is an interesting subject for me, I always find myself asking why. And often feel maybe a more wait and see approach would be better for some women.

Either way it was a good experience, involving lots of hands on practical procedures and observation taking. I worked wi a nice lady who is very knowledgeable!

Arriving home tired I was greeted by a crying little C, desperate for a cuddle and milk. It's very hard to leave any child so often but leaving a baby is horrid, really mean. She soon snuggled in, then had a play and finally a dream feed to sleep, she Is so scrum my and cheeky!

She said mama lots this evening and

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Shopping and spa

We've all looked forward to today, and it was fab! Anita, Vanessa ( friend visiting from Israel), mum, sister and I enjoyed a lovely day shopping, with lunch and cake stops too. It was a stunning hot day and we had a great time! After dropping little c off at home we all went for a twilight spa, I had a lovely massage and we all relaxed in e hot tub with pimms, swam and was great, and so relaxing. We had dinner afterwards in the restaurant next door, it was all so nice.

Would be lovely to do it every year when Vanessa visits! I have a couple of days off now which is nice, but assignments are due soon so I'll use some time to get them going. I'm giving a presentation and mind map discussing antiphospholipid syndrome, something I know very little about!

The weather has broken today, a shame as Ive made a great splash pool in the garden for the kids out of an old tarpaulin and logs. They've had lots of fun in it already though.
Now I have a squishy bathed baby to contend with, wrapped in a towel, to feed and snuggle with..bliss, she smells yummy.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sunny weekend

What a glorius weekend we have had so far! On Friday afternoon we picked L up from school and headed down to salcombe in Devon to camp over. Trailor hitched and laden with the ton of stuff that is our camping gear, we arrived there in just over 2 hours.

The campsite was about 2 miles from salcombe and a lovely farm site with a large mowed campers field. It was just us and a small group of tents way across the other side...bliss!
Tent up we headed off to a small cove for a swim, then fish and chips for tea. Even though the chips were not proper chippy chips much to kal.'s dismay!

It was a chilly night but the sun shone agin on Saturday morning. We went down to salcomebe and enjoyed a lovely breakfast overlooking the harbour then hired a small boat and sailed around the estuary for an hour. The kids just loved it, and totally got the sailing bug.

Unfortunatly we had to get home for a wedding evening party so we packed up, had lunch at pretty hope cove then came home. It was a lovely 24 hours, and we all want to go again for longer.

The wedding party was lovely, set in the brides parents farm yard with dancing in the old barn which had been transformed in to a beautiful venue with pretty lights and a stunning iron fire pit art piece that stood 20 ft in the yard. It was a truly lovely day for them. We took little C with us and she was a dream too, wandering about enjoying attention from everyone and then sleeping while we all drank and danced. Kal overindulged and made himself ill, always a sign of a great night.

It's lovely today so I think we'll have a BBQ later then go for ice cream at the common near by. I can't wait till tomorrow, shopping in bath with some lovely ladies then for a twighlight spa session and dinner...lovely!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Breastfeeding morning

Today I was lucky enought to take part in a breastfeeding info session for the teenage expectant mum group at the hospital. A lovely lady came to explain in a very visual way what is in breast milk and how it differs from formular feed. She was not forceful in any was and simply gave the information allowing the women to make informed descisions in the future weeks.

Having breastfed for many years now I hope to go on and do further training in the is area in the future, after my degree. it is always inspiring to watch somebody make such a simple thing enjoyable to talk about. I picked up lots of tips and even some reassurance about how much C is feeding at the moment...lots! So a good morning.

a loved his pressies, Lego from grandparents and even a sling shot catapult from auntie and uncle. We went out for tea and my sister had kindly made lots of beautiful cakes for everyone. Archie even managed a quick cricket game with some other children there, which he loves.

Last day of clinic for me tomorrow then it's back to longer shifts on the ward next week. We are off to a wedding on Saturday too which is always nice to look forward too.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Steiner school

Parents evening this evening was different to say the least. I always dreaded this at the old school, as it usually meant a negative five mins of how we should be doing more and how poorly L compared to lots of her peers. Depressing., I KNOW that her teacher cares, she really does. She is passionate about her small class and listens to them and the parents.

l is doing sooo well, she loves school and is progressing beautifully. Yet she fights with her brother too much but I'm reassured now that it is normal for her to be difficult at the nine/ten year change. It will pass. We talked both alone with the teacher and in a group of class parents, together, chatting to benefit the class. Why don't state schools do this? It is so nice and reassuring to hear other peoples concerns and joys and ank any questions we want to.

Archies birthday tomorrow, we are going to have buttermilk pancakes for brekkie and then go out for tea after I've finished work. In a rush on my was home today I stopped at a lovely toy shop and bought him some kingdom Lego, a lovely soft frog cuddly, some schleich moose figures for the growing collection! Some ham a beads and a new pack of old maid, his favourite game and another wooden game.

I can't believe he will! He is a lovely boy, and o funny! He loves to climb and run and ride. Swing from his rope swing and climb on the fence to wave goodbye. He loves acing wood and hunting for bugs, playing with Nelson and building dens.
He flips on the trampoline and loves to entertain and dance, breaking on the floor! He loves dinosaurs and dragons and knights and cowboys. He loves playing with friends and going to the park. He loves going to grandad mims and having beans on toast and going to nanny at whiteways to play with flo! Little Archie, we love you!

Monday, 27 June 2011

First graze

Little c took a bump in the garden today, on dads watch!, and has a proper graze! Today was far too nice to work but my day in clinic went by quickly enough really, I did a few glucose tolerance tests, where blood is taken before a sugary drink then more blood two hours later to monitor how effectively the patient is stabilising glucose levels. My success rate so far at getting blood has been 100%, which I'm so pleased about as in my first year I really found it hard and didn't think I'd ever feel confident with it.

Tomorrow will be much the same I think, but I'm enjoying meeting lots of different patients and the faster turn around of this placement.

A will be 7 on Wednesday, I'm working and really unsure what to plan. As he is not at school yet it's hard for him to socialize, even thug we have a large family, they are mostly girls. Will have to see if Kal fancies a friend over for him. May have to ask my mum to bake a cake as it's not likely that I'll have time.I need to buy him a pressie too, wishing we had ordered stilts last week as he'd have loved them.

Kal made a nice shepherds pie for tea, devoured by the kids in no time which is always nice to see. I'm a bit bored by food at the moment and need to come up with some fresh ideas soon!

We are off to a local ish volkeswagon festival on Friday after school, camping overnight too. Both of the bigger children have developed a love of vw recently, and spot them a mile off, so were off to have a look at them and enjoy some live music and festival food. Good preparation for camp bestial in July....can't wait for that. Need to get on with a medieval costume for everyone though. The to do list really is endless at the moment!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Shops and sunshine

Saturday ended up being a shopping day, with the girls, a friend and her daughter. I'm trying to limit Ls shopping trips as she was becoming very materialistic and wanting lots before starting her new school, and I don't think her friends spend much time in shops at this age either. She had a voucher for accessorise for her birthday from my sister, which she enjoyed immensely, eventually choosing a pretty scarf.

Litle c got new shoes, her first pair, as until now She has only worn the little leather soft shoes, and mostly home made ones. But they are red and very grown up, and were only £8 in the sale too. I also bought fabric for a scarf for me,and a new chair cover for our ikea poang.

We had a nice lunch at pizza hut, chosen by the girls. It got a bit late so we bought fish and chips home for the boys supper. They had been outside all afternoon and had a great time without us.

Sunday my sister called to ask me to join her as she was looking around a steiner kindergarten for my niece. I went with A and C and we had a lovely time there. The hall is set up in a kindi way, with lovely wooden tables and toys and soft cozy corners to snuggle in. I think she will be sending her there next term, and I'll be considering it for c, my god!, when she is 2 or 3.

This afternoon we went to a holy communion celebration and then played in the garden with aunties and cousins before going for a local ice-cream in the boiling sunshine. I don't think the weather will last but today it was lovely!
I managed to sew the beginning of a lining for the bell tent, it looks good! The garden is in chaos though,logs and chairs scattered, rugs pulled out from the tent and ropes hanging from the trees by A. Our pet tortoises have had great fun today as we let them stretch their legs in a large border, they really can walk quickly when they want to.

K is at work tonight so I'm going to read a bit of uni stuff then get an early night before tomorrows clinic.

All good fun

Friday, 24 June 2011

Fire, food, family time

Today was lovely, we pottered around this morning, eating cakes from the local wi market before picking L just before lunch to go to a nearby farm, owned by a family from school, and celebrate st johns feast.

Being new to all things steiner it was nice to be part of it and I enjoyed watching the kids having such a good time with their new friends. They are settling in so well.

The bonfire was lit and they all threw on their wishes and sung songs together. L had been pracising at school so was able to join in. A is so desperate to start now, the pressure of paying for the both of them is there but we are both completely sure it is right for them, and us and the future.

We popped out for a child free dinner tonight, it was only quick but very tasty and a nice hour or so away from the house alone. We are going tv free now, the kids have not seen any for over six months so it seems fair that we keep it off in the evenings too. More time to study and knit I hope!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Gosh iPad auto correct, the last post is dreadful! Mistakes and words missing, I must make more effort and read through posts before posting. I need to add pictures too, I know!

Well working in the clinic and on maternity assessment is great. I'm finding my feet and have a better understanding of what's what and who does what! The patients today were more varied, diabetic suffers, morbidly obese expectant mums and those coming to discuss scans with the consultants etc.
I maninly meet the mums, welcome them to room and do basic bp and urine checks, palpate uterus for position of fetes and listen to the heart beat with a sonic aid Doppler.
I then hand the patient over to the consultant and listen in to the advice and discussionthey have. I've enjoyed working under my own direction more this week, and feeling more like a qualified midwife, I have a lot to learn but feel that I'm getting there.

The women who work there are all lovely, very grounded and great at their jobs. I'm enjoying it lots. Little C looked so pleased to see me tonight, the big 2 were both at friends for tea so there was lots of time for her. We shared a lovely bath, then A came home and jumped in too!
I can't believe he will be seven next week, and another cake to make and tea party to plan.
The big 2 are going for a sleepover with close friends tomorrow night so we're going out for tea then getting a film. Lovely!

School are celebrating feast of st. John tomorrow, with a bonfire and picnic lunch, I hope it stays dry fr us all.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Rain rain...

Go way, enough is enough! although we all enJoyed a rainy walk wih the cousins this yesterday evening. We were soaked, but they all laughed and played uncontrollably!

Ive started working in the antenatal clinic today, it's so interesting and the day flew by. Teenage mumssubstance workers and substance misuse mums came for antenatal care ad ongoing spport. I managed to successfully take at least 4 lots of bloods, and feel confident in this skill now! Hopefully I'll be able to get everything sighpner off. The midwives working there with the consultants are all lovely and I home to leard lots.

L had a friend home after school. They played on the trampoline and in the tent.


Friday, 17 June 2011

School water day

The rain held off and the sun even shone at times! A great day was had by everyone, A who is nearly seven, really enjoyed himself. Being with other children is great for him at the moment as he does not start school until September and is too old for kindy now. he was on the lake all day, kayaking and peddling! He flourished with the independence given, and came home wanting more. The girls enjoyed themselves too, as did cal who managed to cause a laugh in the parents v's upper school double canoe race, his team veered off to the side of the lake with no control and lost spectacularly!

We will defiantly go again, it's a lovely farm and there is even a camping field !

A hearty tea was needed, so we all devoured sausages, mash and veg with home made gravy, followed by strawberries and cream, yum! cal is working tonight so it's dairy milk and an early night for me. Lots of crafty things on the boil, I'll post a list of my to finish/start soon. May get me back on track. I love knitting but need to get faster if it's ever going to be as enjoyable as sewing.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Busting bosoms but it's over.

My last shift on scbu is now completed, everything signed off and done. I have enjoyed today, even though it was a long 13 hours I feel much more comfortable handling neonates and giving feeds, taking obs etc.mi know my way around and who is who so that will help in my practice too.
Kal has made a lovely shepherds pie too, he can cope when he tries! The kids all seem to have had a good day and by doing the extra hours I have tomorrow off. Baby is going to nannies while we don our wet suites, not sure mine will fit me yet, and head off to a water park with school for fun and wet frolics! Rafting and kayaking I think, I hope it's sunny.

Baby c is so pleased to have her boobs back, she has drunk me dry and fallen asleep. Now I'm having a lovely drunken sleepy cuddle. I've missed her today, and hearing her sob from outside when I got home makes me sad.

Three days off, love it, I'm no worker really!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Ok so a bit more about being a student midwife.

Maybe a day on delivery suit. an average day.

During the three year programme 40 personal deliveries must be obtained, as well as a load of other competencies such as care postnatally and antenatally, high and low risk etc. I have around 25 deliveries now. Mostly from within a main unit, a few birth unit, one home birth and of course catching my own last daughter at home in our bedroom in a pool on a sunny morning.

Her birth was just magical, and so worth taking a year out of my study for as I learned so much about choices and had the support of great midwives myself.

On delivery suit it is different. For the majority of out lessons focus on low risk, holistic and hands off midwifery. This is not usually the practice in hospitals. So the gap between theory and practice can be large, and it's easy to get scared and Forget midwifery is a skill and just become a doctors assistant.

The training is comprehensive though, and I am mostly enjoying it. I wish we could have more inspirational speakers at uni though, women who advocate home birth and spiritual midwifery.

I want to be a crunchy lentil eating sort of midwife, but that is a while off and for now it's obstetrics I have to understand.

We work with designated mentors for each placement of around 3 months. Sometimes there are study days in-between hospital shifts, other times it's blocks of study. But most midwives now do 12 hour days, which is hard with a baby who loves boob and cuddles and being carried about on your back all day! But we manage. Kal needs a manory gland!

We have handover and take over the care of a woman. Usually only one. As I have got more experienced I am able to work independently some of the time, taking obs, monitoring fettle
heart etc, which is nice. I get to talk to the women lots, they seem to really open up to students and I notice much more chatter when the midwife is not present.

I can now attempt to interpret vaginal dilatation and assess position of the baby. This took some learning! Note taking is a vital skill that I hope to develop further this year.

Gosh, it's bedtime here and nobodies ready, big girl is clanging on the piano, the boy is chasing the baby with a Lego boat and as usual she wants boob! Will add to this later maybe.
The tumble dryer is beeping, and I have a new issue of Juno to read too. And a long day shift tomorrow.

Just remembered I got a parking ticket today to, bloody £30! could do without that.

some people...

Just can't be nice! Having worked with a terrible mentor last week who completely destroyed what little confidence I had gained on this very short placement, by constantly testing me and intimidating me I was distraught today to once again be put with her.

I know I should say something, call the people at the placement office and explain but I don't have the strenghth to argue. It will ultimately bite me on the ass in the future if I complain so as it's for a short time only I'll carry on and say nothing.

This unit is very different from delivery suit and the wards. I HATE the place with a passion anyway and have never been so bored and unfulfilled. She makes it even worse. Expecting me to remember how to use equipment having never been shown, how to handle and monitor babies when she glares at me in anticipation of a wrong move. Most mentors are up for a bit of a laugh, make you feel relaxed enough to ask questions etc. She makes me want to cry for gods sake.

Anyway, a shift tomorrow and that's it, back to caring for women and well babes as I prefer. I don't care that she'll not sign paperwork for me, I can get it done elsewhere I'm sure...biatch!!

Baby has been good today and has slept enough for me to enjoy a peaceful, bath after work, with a cuppa!
Easy tea tonight, chicken kievs with mash and veg, then brownies for the big girl. She moves to guides soon and can't wait for the summer camp. We watched the older children at her school
In a midsummer nights dream, it was fantastic! We were both amazed and L can't wait to be old enough to join in. The difference in her is incredible, she loves school so much now.

Money well spent in my book.....and it keeps me on the program too and an extra wage would certainly help pay for it all

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Sunshine, rain, campfires, pimms, bell and bunting

Our lovely friends visited this weekend with their two children. School friend and best man of cal's, our children have grown up together, all be it not close by but regular visitors.

Saturday was gorgeous, so a morning at the farmers market with burgers and cupcakes was a real treat. The buskers were out galore and lots of tasty things to buy too. Our friends love to go there when they're here so a sunny day made it even more enjoyable.

after lunch we packed up some beers and blankets and walked across the village playing field and beyond in to a lovely field, full of wild life and flowers. So close to home but it feels a million miles away. We made a campfire and the kids all collected wood. Then toasted marshmallows and devoured them squashed between chocolate digestives....lush!!

The kids were amazed to find a nest of tiny voles under a piece of old tin, cute enough to make your ovaries twitch!! Too much beer and pimms later we headed home. Cal lit the fire pit ad we sat out till midnight under the stars. It was a really nice day.

Sunday was a different day and it pissed down all day! I made a beef hot pot then we went to the pub for an hour, and made the mistake of giving the kids coke....madness for the following hour!! What an effect it had on all of them, they turned ferral! So we headed home for tea before saying goodbye.

back at work on early tomorrow so an early night needed I think..

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Half term fun..

Most of the school holidays at the childrens new school are out of sync with main school hols,this is proving to be fantastic as we can enjoy visiting places that are not swapmed with other kids! And hopefully benefit from cheaper hols too in the future.
After a very stressful shift yesterday, with a different mentor, today was a much deserved family day. We decided to head off to legoland Windsor. Bogof vouchers on the side of kellogs reduced the cost for our family to £81...WTF? I think theme parks have massively raised their admission costs, the vouchers don't make enough difference. It's to bloody expensive to have a day out like this often.

We bought sandwiches from the local bakery to take, a treats and still cheaper than buying food in there. Some cakes and bottled water and we were ready. Cal, who has always suffered with knee problems/pain, once again managed to bang said problem knee on his own tow bar . barely able to drive yet alone walk he staggered in to pay for fuel. It may not sound funny but as he manages to injure himself so frequently we have to laugh at him.

Drugged up on panadol and ibuprofen he struggled on. The rain came and went, but the park was very quiet so we were able to go on most of the rides, several times and the kids had a great day.
Dream feeding little c now, she is such a cute and funny baby, with the determination of a teen.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Garden fun

Finally the runner beans seeds that I carefully planted weeks ago and nurtured in the kitchen before taking outside to climatise are in the ground. Having been abandoned at the side of the house for many weeks, I hope they survive and offer a good crop too!

Its half term now, the kids have been to play with their village friends today, and have plans to meet others tomorrow. The latter part of the week, I hope, will be peaceful play and craft at home. We have over indulged them for many years, lavish trips, memberships to childrens parks and too many treats. Adopting a more waldorf way of thinking and living has impacted things massively. We have been tv free for six months, no computers or electronics for the kids either. They are a lot calmer now, it's amazing really. A enjoys playing outside more than ever and his speech has developed too.

I would love to be greener and eat less meat/ sugar, that's the plan for this year. I am surprised at how adaptable they have been so I'm sure it will be possible.

My fabric and yarn stash is growing, I keep buying bits here and there, often bargains from charity shops, but finding the time to craft is hard. For now it can all look pretty in the craft room, ready for another day! The pencil case and purse I made for L's birthday were a success though, and she was so pleased to have handmade gifts. her aunties had also made lots of little treats for her, and a few silver charms for her bracelets completed her gifts.

Tomorrow I hope to add some pics to this blog, I take hundreds every month, but have to work out how to add them via my iPad!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

How exciting.....

A blog viewer from Germany! This was supposed to be a journal of or everyday lives, something to look back on, Not really for strangers to read. I don't take time over the posts or post pretty pics or useful ideas yet but getting this 'hit' inspires me to try harder.

I assume the midwifery element to my page probably brought it up in the search, so I will try to talk about that side of life more too.

The celebrations today were altered by the weather, after days of glorious sunshine the heavens opened...all day. A change of venue was needed, not wanting 10plus children trashing the house,so we hired the village hall for a couple of hours and it all went well.

We cooked hotdogs on the cadac BBQ, had ice cream 99's, and the cake, clad with an icing bell tent, as requested. Mother in law even managed not to ask if I'd made it, for the first year ever.

I have an early shift back on nicu tomorrow, it's half term for L so cal has all three with no meals prepared for him. He will be fine of course but I like to be prepared. Three shifts then two uni days this week, roll on the weekend.

Iwould rather be taking the kids away in the bell tent for half term, but midwifery students only get five weeks a year, and only two are at the same time as the kids so it's hard.
We had a good time at centerparcs earlier in the year so i can't complain really. and it's not forever. assignments are mounting though, and I have revision galore.

But for now I'll dream feed the smallest girl to sleep and enjoy a cuppa with the latest 'practising midwife mag', midwifery in newzealand sounds fantastic.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Birthdays and questions

Birthday for L today, a garden party planned but it's raining. Lots. The lovely tent and bunting are flapping in the wind so it looks like we will postpone for now. Inlaws coming this afternoon so we will have a tea party inside with them instead.

A has just charged in with the usual....the house is awake, and dad, horses have really thick willies don't you know dad? They really do. Even the baby is laughing!

So it's American pancakes with maple syrup and cream for breakfast then presents. 10 years have flown by, 10 years of being parents, my god! Lots of excitement this morning.

Friday, 3 June 2011

And more time has passed......

Well June is now here. Birthday month for us, big girl turning 10 this weekend, and the lad will be 7 at the end of the month.

This week I have been working on nicu/scbu unit. I looked forward to this placement, having visited there briefly in the past. But a few shifts in and it's proving hard. Sick babies make me sad, and they are so very poorly in there. I can't believe how few visits the little things have from their parents. It must be a scary place for them, I like to think I would be there 24/7 if it were my baby. The twin I'm caring for has not had a visitor at all during her three week stay. She is tiny, fragile and may not live. Her mother is young herself and has not returned since giving birth over 3months early. I hope she goes to a loving family, she deserves to. Poor tiny girl.

My baby is huge now. She is 15 months and becoming a cheeky chimp, just like her siblings!

She squeals with delight as she plays with them, she runs and climbs. Loves to bounce on the trampoline and generally behaves like a five year old. She will not be fed or put to bed, everything is on her terms, she is very spirited and I fear is getting to spoiled by us all. Having four people doting on her and giving her exactly what she wants at all times could be creating trouble....we will see. But she is adorable with it, so funny and cuddly. She says hello and waves goodbye.

We are well in to planning the party this Sunday, family all invited so about 10 adults and 12 children in total. Hubby is on the BBQ doing hotdogs, burgers and coleslaw in buns.
Then we have an ice-cream shack with 99's and sauces. Lots of games and races. Pics to follow.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Late egg hunting

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon with L's friends hunting for eggs at one of the children's farm. The sun shone and the children happily collected eggs, played with the sheep and even paddled a canoe on the large pond.
she is settling in well to her new school and we look forward to A starting in September too. her favourite subject is handwork and she now loves to knit, something her previous school did not offer. Tomorrow she is maypole dancing, for now my study continues. Why is it so sunny when I have work to do?

We have empty washing baskets, this makes me happy! (a shame it never lasts!) I hope this weather lasts, we have a fab bell tent waiting to be used again this year.......can't wait!

C is almost running now, she loves to be outside which is great as I get much more done when she is happily exploring the garden. The cheeky girl managed to climb on to the trampoline today so the ladder has now been removed!

I love bank holidays, we are having a curry for dinner later, diet starts tomorrow. I am almost 10 stone, I have never been this heavy and it's getting me down. Oh well.
For the sat few months we have been using a four week menu, it is proving to be much easier and cheaper as I order at the beginning of the month everything that we need then have a small list for each week of the fresh veg and bits that kal buys as he has more willpower in the shop than me.
We tend to eat out with family on a Friday or have a takeaway after swimming and the weekends are free to eat whatever we fancy.

This is the new summer menu, it will probably change a bit as we go and I may add more salads and new things things to try.

Summer four week menu

Week 1 

Monday- chicken parmesan wrapped with panchetta or bread crumbs. Mixed veg and mash .......fruit salad and cream

Tuesday- salmon parcels with ratatouille and noodles or veg
 Jelly and ice cream

Wednesday- chicken curry, rice and nann..... Yougharts 

Thursday- spanish tortilla w/ chorizo and paprika home made chips
  Ice cream

Week 2 

Monday- chicken and veg quesidillas w/ rice salad..... Cheese cake 

Tuesday- gammon, new pots, pineapple and egg w/ mixed salad

Wednesday- pasta carbonara w/ salad ....youghurt

Thursday- peppered butchers steak with peppers, home made onion rings and mash

Week 3

Monday- lasagne w/ sweet potato wedges and salad...strawberry/ grape kebabs

Tuesday- butchers pie with veg cream

Wednesday- quorn vegi chilli w/ rice and sour cream.....jelly &fruit

Thursday- home made salmon and broccoli quiche w/ chips and salad..... Pancakes!

Week 4 

Monday- fish cakes w/salad/veg.......lemon pudding

Tuesday- lamb steaks minted pots and cream and fruit

Wednesday - chicken in sauce w/ garlic pots and veggies ....  

Thursday-home made pizza.....jelly or yoghurt   


Sunday, 1 May 2011

Must try harder....

I really must! This blog was supposed to capture my journey to becoming a midwife, so I will try to post twice a week from now on.

Well, I have big oral exams on Thursday, and have only begun my study today. Kal took the children to enjoy some maypole dancing near to my mum, leaving me to study. And eat too many scones that I'd baked yesterday!

I always leave it to the last minute, all Easter I could have been revising but instead talked
Kal into fitting new kitchen while I enjoyed days out with the kids.
living without a cooker and sink for two weeks was less enjoyable! it's all finished now and looks lovely, but I'm facing a week of very late nights cramming for this exam. Some days I do wish it was over, I could easily walk away from it all.

The chances of getting job when I qualify are slim, there just aren't any. And if I am lucky it will be High risk stuff that I hate, I want to be with women having their babies at home. It all seems so out of reach at the moment.

I have to remind myself of hard it has been to get here. A year getting the qualifications to apply, a year of reading and obsessing over midwifery and than the stress of the interviews.

My place was chased by 20 others, they were unsuccessful. I AM lucky, but some times I just want to be with my baby. She was not here when I planned this journey, and it is hard to leave her.

But thankfully university and hospital have supported me, we are still breastfeeding at 14 months, exclusively! And co- sleeping and baby wearing and baby led weaning. And she is happy, and one day I may earn some money doing this too!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

A year on...

Well the good intention to blog a record of claudia's first year hasn't happened! So I will try again with a plan of posting a round up of the week each Sunday, and a few pics too.

A bit of info about us all might be a good start too. Our home in the rural cotswolds contains, my hubby and I and our three children, L, A and C aged 9, 6 and the smallest girl has just turned 1. Also living here ISA mad spaniel,2 tortoise and soon to be hens too.

Hubby works from home and takes care of C and A whilst I try to drag myself through an intense midwifery degree. We love to travel And enjoyed a gap year in newzealand a few years ago. We camp in our bell tent as much as we can too.

More recently we have moved our eldest daughter to steiner school, and consequently I have become interested in waldorfy blogs! I love to sew and knit, (slowly) and we bake a lot too.