Wednesday, 15 June 2011

some people...

Just can't be nice! Having worked with a terrible mentor last week who completely destroyed what little confidence I had gained on this very short placement, by constantly testing me and intimidating me I was distraught today to once again be put with her.

I know I should say something, call the people at the placement office and explain but I don't have the strenghth to argue. It will ultimately bite me on the ass in the future if I complain so as it's for a short time only I'll carry on and say nothing.

This unit is very different from delivery suit and the wards. I HATE the place with a passion anyway and have never been so bored and unfulfilled. She makes it even worse. Expecting me to remember how to use equipment having never been shown, how to handle and monitor babies when she glares at me in anticipation of a wrong move. Most mentors are up for a bit of a laugh, make you feel relaxed enough to ask questions etc. She makes me want to cry for gods sake.

Anyway, a shift tomorrow and that's it, back to caring for women and well babes as I prefer. I don't care that she'll not sign paperwork for me, I can get it done elsewhere I'm sure...biatch!!

Baby has been good today and has slept enough for me to enjoy a peaceful, bath after work, with a cuppa!
Easy tea tonight, chicken kievs with mash and veg, then brownies for the big girl. She moves to guides soon and can't wait for the summer camp. We watched the older children at her school
In a midsummer nights dream, it was fantastic! We were both amazed and L can't wait to be old enough to join in. The difference in her is incredible, she loves school so much now.

Money well spent in my book.....and it keeps me on the program too and an extra wage would certainly help pay for it all

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