Thursday 29 December 2011

Christmas came round quickly this year

Having failed spectacularly to keep up this diary, and not yet worked out how to add pics, my new years resolution is again to try harder here!
I have almost finished my second year at uni, final assignment and big oral osce exam on the third of Jan then it's all over until September, when I'll start the final step and dreaded dissertation!
Christmas was lovely, fifteen for lunch then a relaxed evening with mulled wine, minced pies and Christmas Enders even!
The children have been tv free for a year, no regret there at all, and they seem to have not missed it either.
school for A is uncertain at the moment, it may be that we home school him for some time in the new year until we decide on the best thing for him. I'd like to buy a waldorf curriculum from the states, a main lesson for every day, and some ideas for stories, form drawing and maths. It's not cheap but would make life much easier.

This years approach to gifts was more simple, something you want, need, to wear and to read.
It worked well, kal made a lovely woodland house for them all to share, pics soon I promise, and a scooter for the boy, dolls for the girls and a second hand wicker pram for the smallest girl. All very much appreciated, lots of nice presents from family too, craft, knitting and sewing galore!
Having lost over a stone now, my new clothes are great. Nice knits from white stuff and a lovely purse and some channel too.

We look forward to the wedding in feb now, my dress is lovely and the children will hopefully have new outfits from the sales. Exam preparations are as usual last minute, I'm getting stressed now, in less than a week I'll be standing there doing it. remembering drugs is not my thing, and the doses all blur in to one.
Will be very glad when the next week is over!

Little c is just gorgeous at the moment, she talks so much, yes, mine, my baby, no mummy, and her favourite word is chockat, and cake! She is a funny thing.
We went to the beach with friends yesterday, the dads surfed and the kids got soaked with the dogs running in the tide. It was lovely.