Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Sunny autumn days

A very pleasant weekend of high 70s set us in good spirits, if only it would be more predictable!.
Big girl is suffering from tonsillitis still and has been doing half days at school, very thankful for an understanding teacher at last! Friday after swimming we all went to the local pub to meet te other families from the village, our little gang! Thhe kids had a great time playing together whist the adults enjoyed the lovely warmth and a few beers. Saturdays market was much quieter than last week, I think due to the heat.
I realised, during the morning, that it was infact our anniversary, seven years, hubby forgot too leaving me card less! Luckily a fellow trader kindly gave me some delicious bath salts so I was able to enjoy a relaxing rose scented and candle lit bath...very nice.

On sunday We met up with my sister, bil, and niece at another pub for tea, the food is ok there but the play area is a good size and entertains the kids so we could talk weddings( theirs) and anniversaries(forgotten ones).

The lovely weather brought home how much I have missed a foreign holiday this year, school fees mean that we can no longer book last min and just sod it all. We need to budget. I aim to reduce our food costs dramatically this winter, and shop locally where possible too.

The lads new teacher is coming for afternoon tea tomorrow, to informally talk about him starting school, I really hope this will be soon as he is so very desperate to be there.

Little C is being her usually funny self. She loves to kiss then wave goodbye. She loves cake. She loves Nelson the spaniel. She loves the tortoises. She still loves to be wrapped in a sling on my back for a cuddly walk. She loves fruit in large quantities, but will eat little else. She loves my milk the most.

We had a yummy butchers pie with grain mustard mash for tea that was nice and I've also baked an orange chocolate loaf for tomorrows tea, and plan to knockout a batch of flapjacks tomorrow too.

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