Wednesday 28 March 2012

Wednesday...and more sunshine

A quick roundup of our last few days...

The sun continues to shine and we've been making the most of it! A lovely long walk and ice-cream on Saturday, the to salcombe and hope cove on sunday. admittedly it was a long drive, for just a few hours, but so worthwhile as it was just glorious down there. We set up a little camp on the beach and it really felt like summer in Spain.
The kids played ball, and then rock pooled for ages, before a nice stroll and ice creams. salford is so stunning, I love driving in, the view down below of all the little yellow breaches and coloured houses is so pretty, we will be back in the summer, with the tent, that's for sure!
back home It was disappointing to find that the low setting on our slow cooker had not heated enough to cook tea, so a quick hunt in the freezer for meatballs and chips, al a ikea.

This morning, following a nice bubble bath together, C and i went to the music group again. she only likes the bubble time bit really, but it's nice to do something alone with her.
I picked up a lovely old enamel washing up bowl yesterday, as she loves to wash her cups and bits. She was so busy playing that potty training was far from her mind, resulting in a little accident, on the whole we are catching most wee's though, and she is trying hard.
Its so nice todat, that  i really want to get out and start clearing the old allotment area for when we get hens. The car also needs a good vacuum and I've promised A cakes after school, so no rest here today.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Morning Rhythm

Cal and I differ in that I am a night owl and late riser, whilst he prefers an earlier night and is then ready to rise with A soon after dawn. It's always worked well, especially with me breastfeeding lots through the night. I'm grumpy in the mornings if I get woken too early.

This routine has always worked for us, however I do often get up to a chaotic house, with everyone running late and not dressed. I've tried leaving clothes out for the kids but they are happy to sit with cal in their pj's until the last minute, eating breakfast in the lounge as it's warmer in there, and then last minute dash to get washed and dressed before school.
By chance, I woke up early one day last week and set the table for everyone to have breakfast together like we do at the weekends. It was great, and much calmer too. I asked everyone to bring clothes down to warm on the radiator while we enjoyed a pot of tea, juice, hot cross buns, cereal and toast. Even little c joined us. The kids like it and want me to get up for an early breakfast every day, so I'm giving it a go. So far I've yet to get the early night and C is still breastfeeding many times a night, so I feel knackered, but they love the family time and get to practise their mealtime times tables and extra time each day too....result.
We are starting with basics, the threes, as they are both good at the two's already. I've written them out on a large card that is pinned on to the wall beside the table. We ask them
three each before and then after dinner. They can look at the board for the answer but must repeat the whole sum back to us. After a week or so I will turn the card over and do them for another week without it before going on to the's working well I think.

Tonight I went for the run, it was a gentle start and we are going again in a few days.I look forward to getting fit and eating freely!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Right now..

:: A is at beavers, the others have gone to take him there and I'm running a bubbly bath to enjoy 10 mins peace and quiet in, with a small chunk of crunchy!!

:: we had a lovely day with my sister and niece, then collected A from his school and went to a wonderful playground nearby, for a good run with his friends.

:: we had an early dinner of butchers lamb pie with mustard mash, red cabbage and carrots. Not low gl at all, but I'm starting running again with a friend tomorrow, so i'll be better for the rest if the week.

:: Lwent to the hairdressers after school and requested a short bob, she looks very grown up indeed, I hope she washes her hair more often now and complains less about brushing!

:: C managed to sleep through dinner and has woken up grumpy. Getting her to eat solids is hard. At over two now she is still very much a booby monster. She has been calling Ava, Ada all day, it was very cute. She loves running around with her girly cousin.

:: A got absolutely soaked on his school walk today, they take a longer hike on Wednesdays, he loves it, but ultimately it involves water and mud, mud ,mud!

:: Im looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow. We have been too busy this week and need rhythm and harmony in the mornings. I hope to rest and play with C tomorrow, with a little music and stories maybe.

:: I also need to finish knitting my squares for the blanket project and get them sent off.
Urgently! The pretty flowers that I hoped to add may not happen now unfortunately. I really want to learn to crochet too.....

Sunshine and soup

The sun shine woke me early this morning, thus allowing some quiet time to prepare the table for breakfast and enjoy a fruity brew. I really should go to bed earlier and enjoy this time in the morning more.
 After the school drop we headed in to the local wood for a walk with C snug on my back (in the ellivill dark green zara wrap.) The light was beautiful, but as usual I forgot the camera. The dog decided to charge off after a pheasant towards the end, and eventually made his own way home, wet from a cow trough. he can dry off outside for the morning!

 Morning chores are done and the windows are now open to clear the air. little C is happy playing outside in the mud kitchen with a ladybird. we have also made soup for lunch, on sunny days we love sunshine soup, and this is a spring version that I've thrown together today, we'll have it with honey wholegrain spelt loaf, yum.

1/2 onion
Fat parsnip
Handful of green lentils
4 mushrooms
Stick of celery
2 sweet potatoes
Half a leek
Teaspoon of cumin
Clove or garlic, chopped
Black pepper
Chicken or veg stock to cover

Sweat onions, leek and cumin in a knob of butter, add everything else and simmer for 30 mins or so. I blend it for the children, but it is lovely left chunky, a little water can be added if it's too thick, or cream, or a sprinkle of Parmesan.

We are having chicken and veg curry for tea, I'll split it and make the children's milder, and serve it with basmati and organic pappadoms that I found in the health food shop. I could do a post about the foodie shops around here, we are very lucky, I just wish I could afford to shop exclusively in them! I'll take my camera to the market next weekend and write a bit about our nearby towns. Better go, bookie to be read now!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Mothers Day

We've had a lovely day here. Cal got up and did breakfast for A, he was awake at six, excited and ready to make more cards for me. Tea and white toast in bed, i gave up both last year and it wasn't really a treat as i don't miss tea now, but the kids had fun getting it ready. Roses from cal, pink and yellow, and a lovely surprise.
We then took a picnic over to a farm park about half an hour away. it was cold but lovely. Baby chicks to hold and piglets, bunnies and lambs. How my ovaries ached! We had a great time. I am really spurred on to get hens now, and great grandad has been telling the kids lots of chicken related tales recently, so they are really excited too. We just need to find a reasonable but large coop.
We called in with cupcakes to nannies on the way home then had bangers and mash with cauliflower cheese and veg for tea, a slice of delicious herman friendship cake, and orange henries!
 Now that everyone is asleep, I'm indulging in a my weekly graze box, this time i have bbq pistachios, oriental cracker mix, chilli olives and a lemon cake with a fruity tea bag too for tomorrow. scrummy. I also have a flake, that's a real mothers day treat!!

        The tortoise also woke up to say hello briefly, Tasman and tahuna, the smaller one.


 In all a lovely day, washing is up together and packed lunches made for tomorrow. C and I will be at the library and then soup making and baking tomorrow.

Friday 16 March 2012

Our day

Friday rythmn went a bit out of the window as we have the inlaws visiting.

:: we all enjoyed delicious chocolate cake this afternoon, following a hearty pub lunch of 2 in 1 pie.....which is a pie withnfilling of choice in one half and cauliflower cheese in the other, all topped with melt in mouth pastry. Yum, even the children can get enough of them!

:: a big lunch meant a no cook tea, hot cross buns and fruity tea all round.

:: little c has entertained the grandparents all day, she loves to make us laugh and has amazed them by changing so much since they last came before Christmas.

:: A enjoyed showing them around his new class when they collected him. he is loving school and growing up more everyday.

:: The high dose vit c is doing it's stuff, L is much better today and the happy owner of lots of pony bits, donated from her aunty. She is in heaven, packing away her brushes and hat. Oh how she would love a faithful steed!

:: tomorrow rain is forecast, I hate wet weekends as we are all betternfor getting outside. A wet walk it may have to be.

:: my knitted basket weave square is almost done, I really like the pattern and plan to start a little blanket for c's doll afterwards.

That's it really, will add pics later as we have lots of craft happening at then moment that would be nice to add here.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Our day.

Was quite uneventful really.

:: L quite likely has hooping cough, it's mot too bad at the moment but friends at school are suffering badly so I hope the high dose vit c keeps it at bay to some degree.

:: I arrived an hour early for pick up at school today, not sure how I managed to read the clock wrong but it did allow for a charity and book shop browse.

:: I bought A a football tshirt from the charity shop, he wants to be like th children that play on the green over the road, now he does. A very happy chap.

:: A good report from school too, he is settling in well and beginning to read well:)

:: C has just weed on my hand, nice. Toilet training is going well really though, she is getting better at knowing what's happening.

:: My inlaws are visiting this weekend, I will bake a large cake, simply so that when the question comes, "oh did you make that?' I can proudly say yes!! MIL from hell.

Friday 9 March 2012

Toys and stuff

 I find this an emotive subject, and one where our thoughts have changed somewhat over the years.

  The children have lots of family, that they see regularly, and consequently have been spoiled at times, such as birthdays and Christmas. Even polite requests for something small, handmade or preloved, still amounts to a big pile of stuff new or old.
 I am slowly getting round it, the older children love to have a few pounds to save or spend on treats, and it's easy enough for family to give if they wish.. With the little one it's harder, people feel sorry for her i think, as the house is not brimming with plastic. She does have everything she needs though. Really. And she is a busy and happy little girl. I think that we still have too many toys. Reading waldorf essential toy lists, we have more than most.
 We have never had any tv type toys, ie teletubbies, peppa pig etc, or clothing for that matter. I was not  allowed any itv or disney as a child, and it seems to have stuck in me. Even as a new mum at 21 i charity shopped the pooh bear outfits and teddies that we were given.  L and A ,however, did have plastic in the beginning, and lots of it too.
L had dolls and ponies galore, noisy ones even. A had power rangers and playmobil. Then we found waldorf and a big clearout was needed indeed.

 For A, we have kept his ikea bin type storage drawers for now. they are quite empty though. He has  his dinosaurs, schleich knights and animals and bucket of cars. The cheap plastic bits, useless cars and trucks, and action figures have all gone. It was easily done, we let them have a boot sale, with us paying the pitch fee and they kept their takings. He even offered up his castle of doom, the army men,  a playmobil plane and pirate ship, much to my delight. He made over fifty pounds! 

L was less keen to sell off the sylvanian village that she has been collecting since she was three. I agreed to this as I loved my sylvanian as a child, but on the day of the sale she decided to sell a few buildings and just keep the grand hotel and bakery, plus about a hundred figures and lots of accessories. I tell myself that one day they might be worth something as a vintage collection!

 The ponies, barbies and plastic dolls all went though, and she made about £80.

They each put some in the bank and then they bought a lovely farm kit to add to our small collection of Lego. So now the bedrooms are a lot clearer and feel much nicer.

A list of the toys we have now, most of which are kept in the downstairs play area, with the bigger bits rotating the bedrooms as they are being played with.

The girls each have an old wooden dolls cot, with plenty of blankets.
Two bought handmade waldorf dolls.
Three small mama made waldorf dolls. I hope to greatly improve this craft!
Small wicker pram for little C
A basket of schleich animals, plastic I know, but the quality is ok and wooden are so expensive.
Wooden rainbow.
Daddy made wooden treehouse
Large bucket of wooden building blocks
 Two skipping ropes, long myriad ones for French skipping.
A small pull along for little C.
Three hobby horses, two bought one mama made
Wooden ice creams and crochet cakes
A wooden pirate ship and nice old wooden car with driver.
Playsilks, and soon to be a dad made playframe.

I think that is it. Everything has a place and is neatly packed away each day. It's much easier when toys are reduced. I do have a few fisher price plastic toys from the 80's that I can't part with, including the telephone x2, and two boot schools, I'll have to post a picture they are so cute. But like my large collection of original ladybird books, I can't part with them!

Thursday 8 March 2012

somewhere to play...

Yesterday I planned to take little c to the music group that we went to last week, unfortunately it was cancelled. She was looking forward to seeing the other children and going out so we ventured, again, to the village toddler group.
it was so noisy when we arrived, and full of over threes who as expected were full of energy on a windy wet day. Little C stood quietly with a shocked look on her face, she wasn't scared, but not exactly happy to be there. There was no rhythm or direction, just chaos and mess. Needless to say, we will not be going again. it did confirm to me that I would like to take her somewhere. I'd love a forest tots type place, but don't think I have the time or energy to set on up, especially as C is our last, so it's not something she would use for many years either. I can dream. we came home and played 'mud and water' in the garden kitchen, and had a Good ole bounce on the trampoline so she was very happy in the end.

Right now..

:: I've been browsing ralvery for inspiration for a new project. I need to get back knitting.

:: Today our lovely playsilks arrived. They have had lots of play already and right now are lined up with the tea set on, a picnic on a rainbow!

:: We attempted to make egg shaped candles, it all got a bit messy so we will try again tomorrow!

:: Tomorrow we will go to market in the morning then housework before a long walk I hope.
I also have soup to make for school on saturday, and a cake for the weekend.

:: we had a very strange dinner mix up, roast chicken with lemon gravy. Rice, purple cabbage and broccoli. It was gobbled up, but a bit odd. Is rice and gravy ever right?

:: This weekend we are quite busy, with a family birthday celebration on Sunday. I'm making the girl m&m cookies in a jar, but need to get the bits tomorrow for it.

:: We have been given a Herman cake mix today, having failed at it before, ending in a mouldy mess, I do hope it's better this time as the kids are full of hope!

Thursday 1 March 2012

Right now....or today anyway!

My mum, sister and I went to a craft fair today, we delighted in all things crafty from wool to looms and fabric galore. I came away empty handed despite being tempted by lots of beautiful spun yarn, my mum and sister did make lovely purchases though. Little C was a bit of a monkey, I stupidly took the buggy thinking she would graze a goodie box that i'd packed quite happily for a couple of hours. No such luck, she wanted out immediately, and being the baby of the family she got her own way! Then she wanted backie, but I'd not packed a sling so she became stroppy and over tired. She really has turned two in every way!
Oh well, lesson learned, no more leisure shopping for her if possible.

Back to rhythm tomorrow, I like Fridays as I take C to a little WI market for veg and baked bits for the weekend, cake and sausage rolls usually. Then we usually have a long walk with friends and pick the others up from school after lunch. I need to fit in an Aldi shop somewhere too before the weekend.

So now...

:: I'm looking at the lovely cockerel that A has knitted by himself at school this week, I'm amazed to be honest.

:: C just woken up and decided she is not ready to sleep again yet, so is dipping sourdough bread in to a little oil. My treat is now being shared!

:: Masterchef is on, I usually get it on iplayer, it makes me hungry hence the above snack, but I really like it this time.

:: I'm thinking about midwifery and getting the books out again. It will be tough year but I need to get it finished for all of our sakes.

::my lovely whitestuff leggings have a hole in, I live in them so can't complain really

::c is dropping off on the floor now. It is funny but when she catches me watching tv, she looks at it with such amusement that I almost feel bad for not letting her watch any. We went to a sing song toddler group yesterday, it was all a bit odd and like watching cbeebies, but in real life. The lady had a lovely voice but whined in a singy tv type of way and had a box of tv character props. Not sure if we will go again. Not many of my friends bothered with toddler groups third time round, I would like to but finding a place where it's not mayhem or too crunchy is difficult. I don't really fit with any I've tried.oh well we are quite happy I suppose.