Thursday, 23 June 2011

Gosh iPad auto correct, the last post is dreadful! Mistakes and words missing, I must make more effort and read through posts before posting. I need to add pictures too, I know!

Well working in the clinic and on maternity assessment is great. I'm finding my feet and have a better understanding of what's what and who does what! The patients today were more varied, diabetic suffers, morbidly obese expectant mums and those coming to discuss scans with the consultants etc.
I maninly meet the mums, welcome them to room and do basic bp and urine checks, palpate uterus for position of fetes and listen to the heart beat with a sonic aid Doppler.
I then hand the patient over to the consultant and listen in to the advice and discussionthey have. I've enjoyed working under my own direction more this week, and feeling more like a qualified midwife, I have a lot to learn but feel that I'm getting there.

The women who work there are all lovely, very grounded and great at their jobs. I'm enjoying it lots. Little C looked so pleased to see me tonight, the big 2 were both at friends for tea so there was lots of time for her. We shared a lovely bath, then A came home and jumped in too!
I can't believe he will be seven next week, and another cake to make and tea party to plan.
The big 2 are going for a sleepover with close friends tomorrow night so we're going out for tea then getting a film. Lovely!

School are celebrating feast of st. John tomorrow, with a bonfire and picnic lunch, I hope it stays dry fr us all.

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