Until the wedding..eek, everyone is getting excited now!
parents evening was last night, a good chance for everyone to get together, waldorf style, and chat about what's happening in class and any issues.
L is very lucky, her class is a lovely group and they get along very well. It was nice to discuss things that we did not get a chance to do in her old school, such as appropriate books, pocket money levels and ideas for their trip.
She is very excited about going to London next week, with school, to learn more about life in ancient Egypt, we are all enjoying hearing about this main lesson. her lesson books are so nice to see too, the standard has improved so much since she started, and she is more confident with an ink pen now too. It is lovely to see her so settled, I hope that A settles in as well to his new class after half term.
Tonight L has been making crafty gifts for the wedding couple, A has painted a fantastic drawing of a big cat eating a deer, with lots of blood too. I'll put a pic here soon, it's quite shocking, and he had no help or guidance whatsoever!
little c has been requesting stories all evening, and did her second wee in a potty, after asking to gomand removing her tights, very proud of her I am too!
Cal is working so it's an early night and a new chick lit from the library to start. I did also get two waldorf education books from there too, in an attempt to better understand it
We also started reading the witches again yesterday, I read to them, and then L reads the last page of each chapter to us. she had a great piano lesson this week and tells me that she feels she is taking to it well and finds it easy? I'm not sure if this is good or not but she is keen, so Im happy.
It's freezing, minus five, at the moment, with snow forecast. I hope the hills remain passable and the wedding guests can all get there safely!
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