Some of the blogs i. Read do this, I think it's a great way to keep a little record of more simple little things, funny things the kids say etc...
:: it's piano night tonight so we have a simple tea. cod in tomato sauce, mixed veg and mash.
Cake and custard for pud at supper time.
:: little c used her pusher spoon again tonight and loves it. She is now having mummy milko for her pudding!
:: A is upset as he can't find his love hearts (?)
:: L is washing up, with cal giving her a lesson on how to do it well, he will not be able be able to teach her to drive!
:: Little c has now got up and is playing with my iPhone, they really are sponges at this age, she knows exactly how to unlock it!
:: we have a waitrose easy cook meal for tonight, with salad, it looks yum too. I might have a pimms.
:: the dog has ran off to see my uncle again, I need to walk over and get him soon
:: I big haired my hair this afternoon, it's nice and swishy:)
:: the washing basket is nearly empty, this is a rare thing considering we don't use a tumble drier!
:: we have Lego everywhere in the lounge, it's very tempting to vacuum the whole lot up.
:: I'm feeling very unsure what to do about university. It's now looking like I could finish my thrd year from September, if I don't then the five year limit set by the nmc will be up. This means now or never but I don't think I am ready to leave litte c again yet, as it made me so down last time. I need to decide tonight.
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