Our gorgeous, funny, monkey loving little baby is two already.
This morning we all awoke to glorious sunshine beaming through the windows, just as it did on the day that she was born. On a thursday, weighing 9lb 4oz.
I can't believe her wonderful birth, at home in our bedroom, in a warm pool happened two years ago. It seems like only yesterday that she made her way in to the world. We did it together, and i really felt every turn she made before she entered the world. She came quietly in to the water and i caught her myself. The midwives were fantastic, i was very fortunate to have chosen a midwife that i respected from my placement, and the second midwife was also good friend of a friend.
They knitted and chatted while i laboured and, when the time came, they game me the support i needed, allowing cal to have a big part too. It was perfect.
She breastfed very quickly, and i did not need repairs either this time. How different to L's traumatic instrumental delivery, and A's slightly easier but in low risk hospital birth.
Having such a nice final birth experience ( assuming she is the last as planned!), is wonderful, following L's birth, each birthday i had looked back to that terrifying day woefully. C's birth has changed that, and it all seems much more positive now. It maybe that i'm just happy to have achieved what i wanted so much. Anyhow, to the celebrations......
The celebration ring
A simple cake.
She really had a lovely time, and the beautiful sunshine made it feel like spring.
We had pancakes for breakfast before cuddles and presents. L had lovingly made her a knitted chicken, and a finger knitted neclace and ring. A, kindly wrapped an old cuddly of his for her. From daddy and i she received, Emily and Daisy book, a wooden blunt knife to help me prep veg, a badger figure as she loves them, and a red riding hood cape that i made a few days ago. Cal is planning to make a playframe for her too, hopefully this week.
We had a little teaparty later, just close family, but as this includes six childen, plus mine, it was not a totally calm affair. They played well together though, the young and old, for ages in the garden kitchen. We all had a picnic tea outside by the fire pit, before playing pass the parcel.
She then opened gifts from the others, lovely playsilks and a nana made jacket. A vintage silver spoon and pusher from greatgrandad.Cant wait to try that. A fantastic sock monkey from auntie izz and fairy wings and a puppet from the cousins. Her favourite thing , however, was the tin heart tea set that my sister bought. She knew exactly how to use it and quickly made us all a brew!
We then watched the stunning disk of wedding photographs that my sister had brought to share.
There was a little pimms drank too. ;)
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