Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Sunshine and soup

The sun shine woke me early this morning, thus allowing some quiet time to prepare the table for breakfast and enjoy a fruity brew. I really should go to bed earlier and enjoy this time in the morning more.
 After the school drop we headed in to the local wood for a walk with C snug on my back (in the ellivill dark green zara wrap.) The light was beautiful, but as usual I forgot the camera. The dog decided to charge off after a pheasant towards the end, and eventually made his own way home, wet from a cow trough. he can dry off outside for the morning!

 Morning chores are done and the windows are now open to clear the air. little C is happy playing outside in the mud kitchen with a ladybird. we have also made soup for lunch, on sunny days we love sunshine soup, and this is a spring version that I've thrown together today, we'll have it with honey wholegrain spelt loaf, yum.

1/2 onion
Fat parsnip
Handful of green lentils
4 mushrooms
Stick of celery
2 sweet potatoes
Half a leek
Teaspoon of cumin
Clove or garlic, chopped
Black pepper
Chicken or veg stock to cover

Sweat onions, leek and cumin in a knob of butter, add everything else and simmer for 30 mins or so. I blend it for the children, but it is lovely left chunky, a little water can be added if it's too thick, or cream, or a sprinkle of Parmesan.

We are having chicken and veg curry for tea, I'll split it and make the children's milder, and serve it with basmati and organic pappadoms that I found in the health food shop. I could do a post about the foodie shops around here, we are very lucky, I just wish I could afford to shop exclusively in them! I'll take my camera to the market next weekend and write a bit about our nearby towns. Better go, bookie to be read now!

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