Sunday, 29 April 2012

Another wet weekend

How depressing this weather is. We have kept warm inside as the gales are blowing here, and last night we made a HUGE apple cake, hopefully to last a few days for school lunches, but its being eaten quickly!
 L has been at her friends for a sleepover, but we are all back at home today, thankfully. After a hearty lunch of buchers minted lamb pie, with mash and veg, we are snuggled down with mama mia. This really goes against our ideal of no tv for the kids, and to be honest they are not thant intrested anyway, but its nice to be cozy together and chill out for a few hours.

Crumpets for supper and an early night i think. Ive also made a start ebaying lots of clothes that have been ourgrown, there is a lot more to do but im pleased to have a few bits up there for sale.

                                                 Thisby and molly dolly enjoying afternoon tea
                                                          A sort of organised mess!
I managed a bit of sewing yesterday, and finished it today, but inbetween i've dropped and badly broken the camera so its before pics only i'm afraid.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Back to school...

A very cheeky miss C, age 26 months.

Return of Some rythmn, as the biggest two have gone back to school. They are both enjoying their nature main lessons right now, A has been learning about the world around him, and planting some little plants, and reading more independently. cal has been reading the faraway tree books to him, they are both loving them, especially as cal has not come across them before. This baffles me as blyton was very much a favourite for me as a child! L is doing botany again, with a focus on flowers this time. She has loved learning about bulb flowers, especially tulips, this week. Handwork continues at home and school, with both kids keen to knit and needle felt as usual. Little C is dry day and night now, I am soooo pleased with her, and she wowed the healt visitor at her two year check, by chatting continually and asking for the toilet! Very proud mum. I was not so proud when she stood up in the trolly at aldi and yelled, a black lady mum. Very loudly. Twice. And told me that she wanted to "rider" a mans seat. He was in a wheel chair. Both ground swallow me up moments, at I don't remember the others ever doing.I'm sure reading this back in years to come will make us smile. Today, A is at his greatgrandads making a model aeroplane, and L has gone to a friends for the day. so it's just C and I as cal is working.I'm getting on with a patchwork cushion cover, while C is having fun with my button jar and pin cushion. I think we may make cake soon though, as quiet Saturday afternoons need cake quite frankly. We have may day dancing to look forward to next week, I'm hoping it gets dryer though, this rain is very depressing now. we seem to be stuck in so much, I'm actually looking forward to a run tonight and some fresh air!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

another week flown by.......

We are still on Easter holidays here, luckily really, as there has been plenty of sickness in the house. little C started things off, with two nights of vomiting and generally being very quiet and unlike herself, A followed, in true style by being sick in the car. Truly hideous I must say. Then I was last, only really Ill for 24 hours, but enough to knock me back a bit.
On Thursday we were all feeling much better, and hungry after days with little more than crumpets or soup. So off to toby carvery we headed, it was a real treat too, with clean plates all round. It's funny after sickness how even the children crave healthy vegetables and fruit, natural healing I suppose.

L had a sleepover party to go to on friday night, we ( I really) had made bunting for the twin girls, and I stayed for a few glasses of wine whilst the girls all settled down, eventually, to sleep. lots of fun, laughs and cake for everyone.

Ive managed another run this afternoon, I think we are up to about a mile with out stopping, although we tend to run further and have some walking in-between. We are much fitter already, it's amazing really, and We now hope to do a 10k run in the summer!

Diet has not been great, but I'm exercising hey, will try harder next week.

The crochet session was great, we learnt lots, I just need to practice now, and get to grips with patterns, if im ever going to manage something as lovely as my mum made me for my birthday...

I think tonight will be early night for kids, then curry and film for us, by the fire as it's still nippy up here. Tomorrow I plan to make cakes for packed lunches this week, chocolate and flapjacks and apple loaf. Right now though, daddy and A are playing loudly, L and little c are building stables with Lego and singing. The floor is covered with bricks. And bits of roast veg crisps. And the sun is shining beautifully over the busy bird table.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Lazy weekend

After a busy few days we have really chilled back here.

 I went along to the crochet session yesterday with a friend. It was very useful, and much more like knitting than I thought it would be. We learned chain, double and treble stitches, then I made a small flower by increasing in each stitch. I generally feel more inspired to create something pretty now. That's if I can ever understand a pattern!

The children stayed home with cal and played in the garden mostly I think. We had Chinese style chicken curry for tea, homemade but more spicy than I planned. It was eaten by everyone though, so it seems little C is not bothered by some heat.

Today it is lovely and sunny, but still nippy enough to need a log smouldering, ready to be stoaked later when we are all done outside. Cal has been strimming and mowing while I made lunch. Today it was shepherds pie with purple sprouting broccoli, yum. I added some mint sauce to the meat mix before topping with potato, and it really made a difference.

Right now....

L is needle felting a blue tit, she is copying one that I made earlier, but without help. It's coming along well.

A is outside kicking a ball, just now he was up the tree and earlier on the trampoline. He has serious energy to burn today, we may need a walk too.

C is half dressed and looking much brighter after her sicky spells through the night. I have lots of sicky sheets in the machine that need drying too!

I am here, but soon I plan to make scones for tea, and will probably have them with cream and jam. I'm running tonight, so it's fine really?

I'd hoped to make birthday presents for two boys for tomorrow, but that's not going to happen now I don't think. The kids really want to go to the history museum in London one day this week so I hope the dry weather lasts.

I notice that a few more people are dropping by here too, thankyou. I really write here as my memory is not great, and it's lovely to look back at what we got up to. I will try and add more pics though, as I know blogs like this are a bit boring really! X

Friday, 13 April 2012

Weekly roundup..

the holidays are really flying by, so much so that I need to sit and plan our last Week, to ensure a good mix of fun and calm pottering at home.

:: The weather has been so changeable here that I've not managed any gardening, we have however enjoyed lots of walk, a scarecrow trail and park play, whilst dodging the rain and appreciating the lovely sunshine in-between.

:: grandad is unwell so is staying here for a few days, despite the constant play and story requests from the kids, he is resting and eating more now.

:: we picked wild garlic yesterday and made the most lovely velvety soup...

Stirfry half an onion with half a butternut squash, some celery, a parsnip and sprinkle of cumin. Add a handful of wild garlic, a chopped garlic clove and cover with stock. Boil up. Blend. Add cream to right texture and grated parmesan. yum. No pics sorry, as I was not organised enough! Every one ate lots and I have leftovers too. It would work well with bacon or chorizo I think too.

:: my mum had a nice birthday, after much deliberation, my sis and I chose a lovely set of baking scales, and a cake stand with galas dome lid, perfect for her to display her sandwich cakes in. Plus we can now see when we arrive if there is cake available!!.

:: We have a party to go to on Monday so I need to find or make pressies for that, I may have a browse around the shops after my crochet less ion tomorrow. I can't wait to try crocheting, as although I love to knit, it's very time consuming. Crochet is faster and I have lots of inspiration for pretty things too.

:: Tonight L is having her cousin to stay, and A is going to stay there. We are all going out for tea together first though which should be nice.

: I ran again yesterday, we are all getting fitter I think, and I enjoy getting fresh air and an hour out of the house a few times a week.

:: little C is doing so well with toilet training, she is dry all day every day and a real star!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Spring holidays

A finished school today, the class, alongside the kindergarten children performed a poem and a song, then a short piece on their wooden flutes. It was lovely , they really enjoyed it and afterwards we shared lunch together, with chocolate nests for afters too!

The last few days have flown by, with little rhythm, but lots of fun. We visited a manor house and had a fantastic day in the sunshine, playing by the lake and then the ten of them ran wild in the adventure playground, leaving the mums to natter the afternoon away.
running is going well, my pelvic floor is responding to exercise better now, thank god! We are going out three evenings a week and run for about fourty minutes, hopefully in time we'll run further and maybe only twice a week.

This afternoon A and I have been creating alien cutouts and are planning a spaceship too, minted lamb and lentil casserole is cooking and smells yum, and considering it's holidays the house is quite up together really, so I don't feel to guilty for our lazy colouring afternoon by the fire. It's bloody freezing outside so gardening is a no for now, clearing it will be a huge task when the sunshine returns.

Sunday, 1 April 2012


My sister, mum and I all celebrate our birthdays in early April, and today we had planned a posh picnic by a stream with all of the children and family. The weather forecast didn't look good so we changed our plans and everyone came to us for cake and tea. Typically it turned out beautiful and sunny! I made nigellas devils food cake, it was very rich but utterly delicious!

The little ball is A's latest completed project

We had a friends children for a few hours too, and hay all played very nicely in the garden for the whole time, only stopping to devour sandwiches and chips, and then the sticky chocolate cake. my sister did not stay long as they are in the middle of a house move, we have benefited from this by being given a nice wooden side unit for our dining area. The storage is useful for bulky mixing bowls and extra crookery, and L has already enjoyed relocating our nature area on to the top. It does look quite pretty though. A neighbour kindly bought me some beautiful spring flowers, picked from her garden, i love daffodils and really muct plant more for our own garden next year.

after everyone had left we went for a quick walk and back to the pub garden for a pimms, very nice it was too. Poor A has school tomorrow as his holidays don't start until Thursday.