Friday 27 January 2012

Miss L ....

I really haven't written that much about L here. at ten and a half, she is growing up fast now, and her needs are changing. she desperately craves adult attention, and loves time alone with cal or myself. she does give A a very hard time though, and puts him down a lot. Until
this improoves she will continue to go to bed at around 7. This probably seems unfair, but she can be quite horrid to him at times.

She has been I'll recently, a virus we think, that involves an infected ear, swollen glands
and really swollen and puffy eyes. She needed antibiotic treatment in the end, after suffering
through over a week of waiting for it to resolve it's self. Colloidal silver spray helped a lot too I think, and a massive dose of vitamin C to boost her.
So more actual stuff about her, she dresses herself mainly these days, choosing her own clothes online at times too, yet she continues to prefer dresses with tights and comfortable baggies. she hates logo's and anything trashy which is lovely! Her favourite attire is her all in one giant fleece pyjamas, these go on as soon as she gets home.
she loves knitting and sewing, needle felting, drawing, playing schools, setting up the woodland house and her horse stables. she is hugely in to horses at the moment, collecting tack and wearing jodpurhs despite not getting near to an actual horse. We made a new hobby horse today from an old sock, a stick and some rope, this will be played with all weekend I'm sure!
L loves to make notes and collects diarys, note books and pens. She likes the darling buds of may, and the borrowers books. we need to work on spelling, times table and long devision. She enjoys her piano lessons, playing the recorder and visiting nanny for a sleepover with the girls. she loves sparky charm bracelets, stamping kits, schleich ponies, ribbons, her sewing box and her lovely bedroom, freshly tidied by me! she is not tidy by nature!
she hates junk food, preferring pesto pasta, olives, mussels, ribs and roast dinners. We both love a bar of green and black chocolate, butterscotch flavour too. I have no idea what she would like to do in the future, maybe something creative such a journalism, photography or fashion design. Who knows, she doesn't either. Plenty of time for that. a did say today that he would like to be a zoo vet though, that would be lovely I replied!
Tomorrow I think we will have a quiet day in, do some sewing together, needle felting and chilling out with mamma Mia later on. she likes to cook, so maybe she could do dinner for us all, she will enjoy that lots! We love you lots miss L, but are not ready for you to be 11.

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