Monday, 26 September 2011

Getting fit

This morning I went along to a new zumba class that has started in the village. It was a good workout and nice to exercise in the morning when I feel fresher!
Big girl stayed home today as her throat is so sore, and tonsils swollen too. She managed to eat some home made soup at lunch so I'm happy she has had her goodness for today!

Tonight we all went for a cycle together, poorly girl in the bike trailer, baby on my bike and the boy managed to cycle himself a full 3 miles, hills and all, not bad for seven. This workout was much harder than rumba so we are planning to do much more biking to help me get slim for my sisters wedding next year.

Not much else happening, I made a nice spaghetti boll for tea using a mums betters recipe, with pork mince, pancetta and lots of wine. It was delish!

Tonight I'm beginning a big eBay selloff and clearing some room before Christmas!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Long time and lots of change...

So much has gone on recently, I'm having some time off from my course and hope to return after Christmas. Things got too much, the new business has really taken off and the baby, actually all of the kids, need me at home. My doc thinks I have depression, this is something I have never considered or even understand. Not something that would ever happen to me. I feel ok most of the time but have been a bit over sensitive to stress and untidiness lately.

Anyhow, the corn business is going well, we had a good first farmers market yesterday and sold out! I think it will get busier, and it's very tiering though. Today we have been chilling out at home and finishing touching up the pain work in the lounge. Little c managed to pull a bookcase onto herself, que mega panic, screaming and a nasty graze in her back. She is fine though and after a little arnica for the shock and some magic cream she's as good as new. The carpet however took a splash of paint and a cup of coffee was knocked from the piano so much scrubbing was needed there.
Big girl L has terrible tonsillitis, she suffers badly from it but seemed to have been ok for quite a while. I hope she feels better tomorrow as she hates to miss school. A is not at school yet but hopefully he will start very soon, he is sooo ready and honestly I am too.

Will try to write daily again.....and NEED to sort out blog pics!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Last week of the hols

Well for me anyway, the kids have an extra week.
We have been busy with kids here to play and ours going to others, paint a pot, doll making and eating roasted corn!

Yesterday was beautiful, a real summers day! The kids had friends here for the day so we took a picnic to the playing field and helped set up for the summer fayre tomorrow. Our setup looks good, new gazebo, table and bunting too! Let's hope we get some takers for our corn as we have 200 to sell!

A big spider in L's room at 2am kept us awake for a while so an afternoon nap has been ordered if we are to go to the barn dance tonight.
Fancy dress wise we have robin hood, maid Marion and little friar tuck! The look very cute.
I'm looking forward to a jug of pimms whist I man the hot dog stand, could be a heavy night!