Well the good intention to blog a record of claudia's first year hasn't happened! So I will try again with a plan of posting a round up of the week each Sunday, and a few pics too.
A bit of info about us all might be a good start too. Our home in the rural cotswolds contains, my hubby and I and our three children, L, A and C aged 9, 6 and the smallest girl has just turned 1. Also living here ISA mad spaniel,2 tortoise and soon to be hens too.
Hubby works from home and takes care of C and A whilst I try to drag myself through an intense midwifery degree. We love to travel And enjoyed a gap year in newzealand a few years ago. We camp in our bell tent as much as we can too.
More recently we have moved our eldest daughter to steiner school, and consequently I have become interested in waldorfy blogs! I love to sew and knit, (slowly) and we bake a lot too.